Heckuva job, Blinky
Interesting Wall Street Journal article dated October 17, 2022 should give every Northeast U.S. resident something to think about: New England Risks Winter Blackouts as Gas Supplies Tighten.
The piece by Katherine Blunt and Benoît Morenne states, “Gas deliveries could cost several times more than last year if severe weather creates an urgent need for spot-market purchases.”
This is something we in the six state region should be aware of.
In the previous Long Hill Report, we quoted our Secretary of State as hoping for this.
"Ultimately this is also a tremendous opportunity. It’s a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy and thus to take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs."
As we noted, Unofficial translation, the US can make money selling more gas at higher prices. The dollar is thus supported.
So, here in the Northeast, we shall have to scramble for supplies if the temps dip:
“New England, which relies on natural-gas imports to bridge winter supply gaps, is now competing with European countries for shipments of liquefied natural gas, following Russia’s halt of most pipeline gas to the continent. Severe cold spells in the Northeast could reduce the amount of gas available to generate electricity as more of it is burned to heat homes.”
It did not take long for reality to rear its ugly head.
In light of Blinken’s pronouncements in the wake of the pipeline sabotage, this should not be a surprise.
The Journal article did not suggest this was a part of the plan by the administration to hike power prices, but it should not shock anyone if that is how it worked out.
After all, the proxy war has been good for arms manufacturers.
We had a functioning supply chain in place, maybe a little rusty through the pandemic, but chugging along and rather than doing something like supporting the Minsk agreements, we poked the bear.
The question becomes, was all that we have done a purposeful act of piracy or just a mindless thrashing about.
Evil or stupid.